TONIGHT'S ISS PASS! - 23/05/24

TONIGHT'S ISS PASS! - 23/05/24


The International Space Station (ISS) returned to our skies recently and we want to help as many of you witness it streaking across the nights skies as possible. It’s always amazing to see the International Space Station flying over and while we realise these passes are fairly late in the evening, if you have any children that are able to stay up late (maybe on the weekend) it is always great to get the kids involved, so many kids are fascinated by space! 😍

We always try and post here on Astro Dog each day the ISS is visible with information about the day's pass(es), that’s right! Sometimes there are more than one pass a night! We hope these posts will help you to witness this amazing space craft/scientific research laboratory as it zooms through space and orbits Earth.

If you are able to head out this evening and would like to try and witness the International Space Station pass, please keep reading and set your alarms… 🛰


We will be treated to one pass of the International Space Station tonight. But don't worry if you don't get to see tonight's pass though, we have another pass tomorrow! After this the International Space Station won't be visible for a while.

Tonight’s pass will be visible for just over 2 minutes. It should come into view from the West South West at around 23:06 at an elevation of 10 degrees. It will reach a max elevation of 12 degrees in the South West at around 23:08 and then it will dissappear from view at around 23:09 in the South South West at an elevation of 11 degrees. The magnitude (maximum brightness of the ISS) of this pass will be - 1.0 which is not the brightest of ISS passes, but will still appear fairly bright!

I am listing the Information for Scarborough. However, the times and directions are roughly the same across the UK. For those of you further South, the International Space Station will appear even brighter and higher in the sky!


Tonight's International Space Station pass will be more of a challenge to witness compared to recent passes. It will not be the brightest of ISS passes, but will still appear fairly bright. It will not be a very long pass at just over two minutes, nor will it be very elevated, so you may need to find a location with a clear view towards the South West. This is one of the last two International Space Station passes for a while though. If you are up finding a location with a good view to the South West it will still be a nice pass to witness.


Just to give you an idea of what you're looking for when trying to spot the ISS, it will appear as bright "star like" object moving reasonably fast across the sky. Once you see it, you will know it's the ISS. What you are actually seeing is the sun light reflecting from the solar panels.

If you have clear skies and can get outside to look, please do so and if you have any binoculars or a telescope, it's worth using them! You may be able to make out the sails/solar panels as it passes over.

Do let us know if you get to see the ISS, If not, don't worry, it will be in our skies for a while yet.

It's amazing to think there are several astronauts on the ISS currently, whizzing around Earth at a speed of 17,500 mph (that's 5 miles per second, orbiting Earth every 90 minutes) at a height of approximately 250 miles above Earth conducting important research and maintenance!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask and good luck if you head out to see it.

Clear skies.  💖

#internationalspacestation #ISS #stargazing #astronomy #astrodog

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