We just finished the first evening of our brand-new exhibition and we had an amazing time! We met lots of lovely people and we were so happy to see everyone enjoying the experience that that we have worked so hard on to put together.
Saint Mary's such is a wonderful church and we couldn't think of a better place to display our latest exhibition. It is an honour to be able to display our work in such a beautiful historic setting and also to share it with such great artists as Animated Objects and Adrian Riley.
We have had some great feedback and we can't wait to see more of you over the coming weekends!
Shortly after finishing our first evening, we took a short walk from Saint Mary's Church to see the castle, which is being illuminated with beautiful colourful lighting as part of the Scarborough Lights festival. The illuminated castle along with the night sky above it looked spectacular and we decided to shoot some images of the beautiful light display. While it was very very windy and difficult to keep the tripod still, we captured quite a few photographs and thought we would share one of them with you!
In this image you can see the castle being illuminated with colourful blue and red lighting and shining beams of light into the night sky (one of these beams also looks like it is illuminating the moon!). Just above the castle you can spot a bright star-like object that is in fact the bright gas giant planet Jupiter! To the right of Jupiter, you can see the constellation of Taurus the bull, including the bright orange/red star Aldebaran along with the open star cluster the Hyades. Above and right of the Hyades is Novembers full "Super Beaver Moon" shining brightly in the sky. Nearby and just left of the full Moon you can also spot a small grouping of bright stars which is the Pleiades open star cluster, aka the Seven Sisters or Subaru.
We hope you like the image we captured!
If you would like to see some more of our images including some brand-new images that no-one has seen before, why not visit our new exhibition at Saint Marys? You can find more information on "Reflections" and grab tickets from the Scarborough Fair website here:
As always, your support is greatly appreciated and we hope to see many more of you at our brand new exhibition over the coming weekends!
Clear Skies! ✨️
#TheScarboroughFair #ScarboroughLights #Castle #moon #Pleiades #Jupiter